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(*Before there was Yelp, I had received many testimonials over the years.  What's written below are some of the positive experiences DCRC athletes have had that make me proud to be a coach.  Of course you are welcome to visit my Yelp page as well).



Andrea, 28-year-old runner (Baltimore, MD)

"Mike set up a comprehensive training program based on my busy schedule, including not only a running program, but also a weight training routine. This ultimately led me to complete my first half-marathon in a time I never thought possible for myself. He is extremely knowledgeable and offered challenge, support, and motivation to my workouts.”


Michael Bland, Team ATS Director (Austin, TX)

"I met Mike at the duathlon World Championships in Hungary and was impressed right away with his knowledge of multi-sport training--so much so that I invited him to help coach at one of our Youth Triathlon Camps in Austin. I would trust him training any of my own athletes."


Kenny, 34-year-old (Washington, DC)

I had run fifteen marathons over seven years with a goal of qualifying for Boston. As an RRCA coach myself, I had always relied on training myself. For my sixteenth marathon, I decided to work with Mike who was able to correct a few minor flaws in my form, devise an advanced training plan, and added strength training. I am happy to say I finally qualified for Boston in 3:07, six minutes faster than my previous best and three minutes faster than I needed to qualify. Not only that, after the race I am in the best running shape of my life and PR-ed in a couple of other distances.


Sotiris, 37-year-old male runner/swimmer (Washington, DC)

"I have been training with Mike for close to a year now and have seen a significant change in my performances. In the past I would just go to the gym and do the same program day after day. I felt that I had hit a plateau and could not increase my strength and endurance. I was also constantly injured and often felt fatigued. I contacted Mike and he quickly put me in a program based on where I was physically and what goals I wanted to achieve. In less than a year my body-fat has decreased while my strength has increased. My running has improved drastically in both speed and endurance, all while staying injury free. Mike is the right person for those who are committed to training!"


Laura, 21-year-old collegiate soccer goalie (Arlington, VA)

"Mike helped me create a schedule that was based off my summer workout packet for soccer. He varied the workouts each week so I never became bored. Being the goalie on my soccer team, I am certainly not the fastest, but with Mike's help I was able to pass my fitness test. I am so much more confident this season because I know I'm in the best shape I've ever been."


Josh, 38-year-old endurance athlete/ JFK 50-miler (Laurel, MD)

"I had been a mid-pack marathoner, but after ACL surgery and years out of the sport I needed some expert advice to get up to my rather ambitious goal of running a 50 miler. Coach Mike designed a specific program that matched my goals to build both speed and stamina, even working around my somewhat difficult schedule. The workouts are varied and interesting. He measured my progress with both time trials and fitness tests, and held track sessions to give specific advice. He's very invested in helping runners meet their goals and I highly recommend him."


Patrick, 21-year-old Ironman finisher (Washington, DC)

"Mike did an excellent job of preparing me physically, mentally, and logistically for my longest racing season to date. He created an easy-to-follow workout schedule that matched my needs and skills and he was fast to help me modify it as external issues arose. Mike responded to my questions and concerns with his own careful thought and expertise. I grew to trust him quickly and I had a very smooth season of (half-marathon, ppen water swimming, and triathlon) racing that culminated in my first Ironman finish. At the end of the season, I was in the best shape of my life."


Vicky, 28-year-old triathlete/runner (Arlington, VA)

"Mike prepared my for my first Olympic distance triathlon. By race day, I was more confident because of the fitness I had achieved and mental preparation he helped develop. Mike brought me to a new level in understanding how and why to workout effectively. He is passionate about what he teaches and proved to be very thorough and accessible."



"I want you to know how much I appreciated our session this morning. You reminded me of all the dynamic stretches, their order and perimeters, which I needed. Most importantly, you set me straight on strider workout length, pace and intensity. If I can just lose another 25 lbs I might not be huffing and puffing so much. You’re an inspiration, Mike, and it’s a privilege and a pleasure to work with you." --George, 72-years-old


"Hi Coach, I haven't even taken a shower yet (not that you needed to know that) but I wanted to tell you that I just did my 45-minute run without stopping. Woohoo!" --Ami


"Thanks again for your coaching and advice. The training was the hard part; I had no doubt I would finish when I got to the race on Sunday. I was just unsure of my finishing time. I was pleasantly suprised with the end result." --Zach


"It went very well. Run 9:07/ push-91/ sit-100/ pul-19/ swim 9:22. I need to drop 30 seconds off my swim time and maintain or better my run. I am very happy with the results. The speed workouts helped me immensely." --Jorth, Navy SEAL officer


"Overall, I'm anxious, but then I know that this entire year has been about building up to this point. With your constant and patient help, I know that I'm as prepared as I could thank you, and here's to beating Oprah." --Cecelia, marathoner


"Thanks again for putting this together. I can definitely say without your help, I am almost positive I would be either very over-trained or very injured again." --Elyse


"All and all a good run and a great feeling to hit the goal time! A perfect example of why having a coach who supports you and sets realistic goals for you pays BIG dividends! I never would have set that lofty of a goal for myself." --Paul


"I can attest to the Ipod advice you've given. When I started with you in late December I was certainly an Ipod addict. I remember you saying then that I should really lose the Ipod at that time...but just couldn't do it. Well, after hearing it more and more over the next month or so I finally left the Ipod at home during my runs beginning mid-February. Almost immediatley, I saw a difference. Listening to my breathing and getting into a rhythm has been a big difference in getting me to the next level. Let's just see if it pays off on race day!!! Thanks for the terrific advice!!!" --Chad, top age-group triathlete


"Hi Mike, the race went better than I could have expected. I finished in 3:02:27 and felt strong throughout. There was no "wall" and it was a very enjoyable experience. Thanks again for all your help. I think I had most of the pieces in place ,but your system and guidance brought it all together in a way I had come to doubt was possible." --Gideon, Marine Corps Marathoner 


"Thanks so much for the great sessions we have had so far. Your training has made all the difference and I look forward to working with you again next year." --Jon


"Mike, you're great. One December day I ran eight miles once from a combination of my spit and your polish. When I started this program, I could only run a half-mile. I may never run a marathon (and I may yet), but I ran those eight miles. I am proud of myself for that." --Dan, yogi 


"Just wanted to say I had a lot of fun last year training and racing with you and the entire group, so I want to thank you for being such an integral part of my transformation" --Hanieh


"It's amazing what a little coaching can do! Up until 2005 and my injury, my training strategy was 'run as hard as you can every run.'" --Mike, 2:47-marathoner


"I had a very good race experience this weekend. Thanks to your training and advice, I achieved almost a 5-minute PR. I could not believe it myself. But this is the first time I did not look at my watch until I finished the race." --Mouli 


"I think that the track training really helped me find a pace that worked. I'm looking forward to the next race next weekend, and I thank you for all your words of wisdom." --Jean

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